Tips and Tricks, Writing

5 Tips for Making and Maintaining a Writing Schedule

Writing isn't easy. I think most writers will agree with me. Some days, words seem to fly from your fingers and other times, you stare at the screen blankly. I get it. One of the best ways to combat that is to have some sort of writing schedule. Now, this should be extremely customizable to… Continue reading 5 Tips for Making and Maintaining a Writing Schedule

Tips and Tricks, Writing

Quick Tip #9

If you need to re-read your story to remember exactly what has happened, don’t re-read more than three to five pages. Instead, try to write descriptive headings for your chapters or section breaks (you can make them clever later). Read the headings and don’t get sucked into your own story or the desire to edit… Continue reading Quick Tip #9

Tips and Tricks, Writing

Quick Tip #6

If you’re suffering from writer’s block, try this tactic. Take a break for a few days (3-5) from your specific story. Each day write for 10-30 minutes about anything but be descriptive. No distractions, no phones, nothing but you and your keyboard or journal. Write about the way the light is coming through the window,… Continue reading Quick Tip #6