Tips and Tricks, WordSmith Musings, Writing

FREE Writing Consultations For a Limited Time

Interested in starting a novel, short story, blog, essay, thesis? But you're just not quite sure how? Or do you have a few questions about a piece of writing you're working on? Want to go over title ideas? Flesh out a character? Writing help of any kind? Thanks to the current state of things, I… Continue reading FREE Writing Consultations For a Limited Time

Tips and Tricks, Writing

Quick Tip #11

Writing a villain? Within the first meeting, include these three things to make them terrifying but utterly compelling to readers. A dangerous or “evil” conviction they hold and why Something they have lost as a result Something/someone they love (not obsessed, that’s different) or care about deeply (people are generally best but it still works… Continue reading Quick Tip #11

Tips and Tricks, Writing

5 Tips for Making and Maintaining a Writing Schedule

Writing isn't easy. I think most writers will agree with me. Some days, words seem to fly from your fingers and other times, you stare at the screen blankly. I get it. One of the best ways to combat that is to have some sort of writing schedule. Now, this should be extremely customizable to… Continue reading 5 Tips for Making and Maintaining a Writing Schedule

Tips and Tricks, Writing

Quick Tip #9

If you need to re-read your story to remember exactly what has happened, don’t re-read more than three to five pages. Instead, try to write descriptive headings for your chapters or section breaks (you can make them clever later). Read the headings and don’t get sucked into your own story or the desire to edit… Continue reading Quick Tip #9

Tips and Tricks, Writing

Quick Tip # 5

Don’t just tell us what eye color they had. That won’t give us very much insight into the character. Instead tell us if their eyes are shifty, soft, wrinkled, deep, watery, bloodshot, or other descriptors. This will let us know more about them as a character and leads you into an easy way to either… Continue reading Quick Tip # 5

Tips and Tricks, Writing

Quick Tip #4

If you get stuck in your story, ask yourself three questions. 1) “What does my character want?” 2) “How can I make that difficult to achieve?” 3) ”What are the consequences if they don’t get it?” Proceed to make each answer more intense than the last time you asked and go from there.